Pascal Léonard

84, rue Charles Darwin L-1433 Luxembourg Grand-Duchy of LuxembourgPhone number: 00352 260283 / 00352 621 30 85 84Email address: pascal.leonard [at] abc.luServicesTranslationCertified translationExperienceProfessional translator since 1995SwornSworn translator before the Superior Court of Justice of Luxembourg Sworn translator before the courts of Arlon and Neufchâteau, BelgiumEducation and degreesTranslation, Institut Libre Marie Haps, Brussels, BelgiumSpecialisationsBirth and marriage … Read more

Marzenka Anne Krejcirik

49, route de Luxembourg L-3253 Bettembourg Grand-Duchy of LuxembourgPhone number: 00352 691 850329 / 00352 26510477Email address: info [at] wordsmith.euWebsite: http://www.wordsmith.euServicesDubbing/subtitlingLiaison interpretingCourt and police interpretingEditing/proofreadingTranslationCertified translationLiterary translationExperienceProfessional translator and interpreter since 2008SwornSworn translator and interpreter before the Superior Court of Justice of LuxembourgEducation and degreesTranslation and professional language skills, University of Bath, United KingdomLiterary translation, … Read more

Djamila Benaceur

41, rue Edison L-3462 Dudelange Grand-Duchy of LuxembourgPhone number: 00352 26870333 / 00352 621 231399Email address: traductions [at] pt.luServicesCourt and police interpretingEditing/proofreadingTranslationCertified translationExperienceProfessional translator and interpreter since 1995SwornSworn translator and interpreter before the Superior Court of Justice of LuxembourgEducation and degreesTranslation, University of Oran, AlgeriaSpecialisationsBirth and marriage certificatesNotarial deedsAdministrative certificatesPress releasesContractsDiplomas and certificatesMiscellaneousOfficial documentsLawTrade register … Read more

Vera Steinhagen

51, rue des Champs L-7218 Helmsange (Walferdange) Grand-Duchy of LuxembourgPhone number: 00352 27125158 et 00352 621542101Email address: info [at] vera-steinhagen.euWebsite: http://www.vera-steinhagen.euServicesConsecutive interpretingLiaison interpretingCourt and police interpretingSimultaneous interpretingEditing/proofreadingTranslationCertified translationExperienceProfessional translator and interpreter since 2000SwornSworn translator and interpreter before the Superior Court of Justice of Luxembourg Sworn translator and interpreter before the Oberlandesgericht Koblenz, GermanyEducation and degreesRussian … Read more

Pauline A.M. de Zinger-Schmutzer

19, rue M. Greischer L-7641 Christnach Grand-Duchy of LuxembourgPhone number: 00352 869046Email address: pdzinger [at] pt.luServicesConsecutive interpretingLiaison interpretingCourt and police interpretingSimultaneous interpretingEditing/proofreadingTranslationCertified translationExperienceProfessional translator and interpreter since 1982SwornSworn translator and interpreter before the Superior Court of Justice of LuxembourgEducation and degreesTranslation and conference interpreting, Übersetzer- und Dolmetscherschule Zürich, SwitzerlandSpecialisationsBirth and marriage certificatesNotarial deedsArchitectureDiplomas and certificatesInternational … Read more

Isabel Gamito

37, rue du Nord L-4260 Esch-sur-Alzette Grand-Duchy of LuxembourgPhone number: 00352 621 65 20 51Email address: isabelgamito [at] hotmail.comWebsite: http://www.isabelgamito.comServicesTranslationCertified translationExperienceProfessional translator since 2006SwornSworn translator before the Superior Court of Justice of LuxembourgEducation and degreesEuropean studies – specialisation in European integration law, European Institute of Public Administration, Luxembourg & University of Nancy II, FranceTranslation, University … Read more

Giada Petrelli

101, rue de Mamer L-8081 Bertrange Grand-Duchy of LuxembourgPhone number: 00352 621 666 068Email address: giada.petrelli [at] ymail.comServicesEditing/proofreadingTranslationCertified translationExperienceProfessional translator since 2008SwornSworn translator before the Superior Court of Justice of LuxembourgEducation and degreesIntercultural linguistic communication, University of Lecce, ItalyModern languages for international communication, University of Salento, Lecce, ItalySpecialisationsAuditsNotices to shareholdersBanking, stock exchangeDiplomas and certificatesEconomics and … Read more

Elena Beau

24, rue Mozart 57100 Thionville FrancePhone number: 0033 673233553 / 0033 382833991 Email address: camellia15 [at] mail.ruServicesConsecutive interpretingCourt and police interpretingEditing/proofreadingCertified translationExperienceProfessional translator and interpreter since 2009SwornSworn translator and interpreter before the Superior Court of Justice of Luxembourg Sworn translator and interpreter before the Cour d’appel of Metz, FranceEducation and degreesFrench and German language teacher, … Read more

Maria Carl-Nascimento

5, rue du temple romain F-57130 Sainte Ruffine FrancePhone number: 0033 387601655 / 0033 621559579Email address: maria.carl [at] trad-management.comServicesCourt and police interpretingEditing/proofreadingTranslationCertified translationExperienceProfessional translator and interpreter since 1990SwornSworn translator and interpreter before the Superior Court of Justice of Luxembourg Sworn translator and interpreter before the Tribunal de Grande Instance of Metz, FranceEducation and degreesForeign languages … Read more

Angela Tumiotto

36, Duchscherstrooss L-6868 Wecker Grand-Duchy of LuxembourgPhone number: 00352 621 236 455Email address: angela [at] tumiotto.luWebsite: http://www.tumiotto.luServicesLexicography/terminologyTranslationCertified translationExperienceProfessional translator since 2006SwornSworn translator before the Superior Court of Justice of LuxembourgEducation and degreesTranslation, Institut Supérieur des Traducteurs et Interprètes, Haute École de Bruxelles, BelgiumSpecialisationsLuxembourgish administrationPress articlesNotices to shareholdersCultureMiscellaneousFinanceGreater Region of LuxembourgMediaPoliticsNational and local politicsProspectusesAnnual and semi-annual … Read more